Recent Publications
The interactive storyline in the iLookOut training was designed to be highly engaging and to educate learners on child abuse, define reasonable suspicion, and empower learners to know how and when to report child abuse.
iLookOut’s online platform provides an emotionally safe environment for experiential learning, which has been shown to improve knowledge acquisition and implementation.
This article presents the results of a comparative analysis of online mandated reporter training regarding child abuse across 47 U.S. states and the District of Columbia.
Significant variation was identified in terms of the scope, content, didactic approach, delivery method, and outcome measures across different trainings.
These findings raise concern that not all mandated reporters are receiving comparable preparation.
iLookOut for Child Abuse (iLookOut) is an online, interactive educational program designed to help mandated reporters protect young children from harm, and in particular to become better at identifying and reporting suspected child abuse.
The purpose of this paper is to describe the conceptual foundations and practical considerations that guided the development of iLookOut.
This paper describes conceptual foundations for iLookOut online courses.
A cognitive map documents the structure for how iLookOut learning content is organized and its use for spaced retrieval.
This study compares iLookOut online mandated reporter training with STANDARD training. Findings include that iLookOut resulted in significantly larger gains in knowledge and attitudes about child abuse and its reporting compared to standard training.
This study investigated how childcare providers interpreted the threshold for reporting suspected abuse.
This study found wide variability in how likely abuse had to be before childcare providers felt that reasonable suspicion existed.

This article examines how the statuatory lag in state requirements for mandated reporters are related to actual reports of suspected child abuse.
The study found association between the legal wording and reporting behavior; these findings raise concern that not all mandated reporters are receiving comparable preparation.