iLookOut's Interactive Training
iLookOut’s Core Training was designed to help those who work with children both protect at-risk children and support these children and their families. The Core Training uses a video-based storyline and interactive learning activities (with downloadable resources) to teach people to identify red flags for child maltreatment, distinguish poverty from neglect, and know when and how to take appropriate action.
iLookOut’s Advanced Training uses interactive animated storylines, educational games, and applied learning exercises –all packaged in 8-12 minute “micro-learning” activities. This Advanced Training 1) reinforces and expands learners’ knowledge and skills for protecting at-risk children, 2) explores key issues related to child well-being (such as resilience, trauma-informed care, adverse childhood experiences, substance use disorders), and 3) promotes critical thinking skills to help people avoid acting on unwarranted assumptions.
Both the Core and Advanced Trainings can be completed on smart-phones and other mobile devices in addition to laptop and desktop computers –all at no charge.
How iLookOut Compares
iLookOut is a multi-media, online learning program that prepares mandated reporters to meet their professional, ethical, and legal responsibilities for identifying and reporting suspected child abuse.
Using an interactive video-based storyline, iLookOut engages learners through real-life scenarios that raise concerns about possible child abuse. As events unfold through video and narrative, interactive learning activities help learners acquire and operationalize knowledge that can help protect real children from harm and provide needed support.
The iLookOut research team conducted a 50 state comparison of online mandated reporter training. Click to see an interactive map of 50 states' mandated reporter trainings and how iLookOut compares.